Greetings! My name is Myra, and I’m a 60-something technical artist and desktop publisher who’s ready to retire from corporate life and pursue other interests, as well as “reinventing” myself once again and experiencing new scenery and a new culture in Boquete, Panama.
However, I’m not planning to stagnate in retirement, or be bored. I have a book that’s half-finished, and I plan to continue my creative outlet of making jewelry and other items from polymer clay. There are numerous opportunities in Boquete to volunteer in whatever arena sparks one’s interest. And the lushness of the landscape is flat-out inspiring, all by itself.
I’m looking forward to experiencing this “third age” of my life with a new sense of freedom and openness to learning and doing new things, stripping it down to the things that are most important and doing away with the stress and regimentation of workaday life.
I invite you to join me on this journey, through the pages of this website. And if you ever want to visit Panama in person, let me know!