Wise Words

Random thoughts

Awhile back, I was watching the TV show “Better Late Than Never” which follows Henry Winkler, William Shatner, George Foreman, and Terry Bradshaw as they travel to various places around the world. These guys are all good friends, and have a great (and hilarious) time together.

They all have moments where they take themselves out of their comfort zones, either trying new exotic foods or just trying something they might be uncomfortable doing in their day-to-day life. Henry Winkler said something profound, as he was reflecting on one of his “pushing the envelope” experiences. As I prepare to make this move to Panama, it resonated with me so much that I had to rewind the recording several times so I could write it down. Here’s what he said:

“You know, as you get older, you’ve got a choice. You can either push your boundaries or close yourself off. No matter how old you get, go outside your comfort zone and see what the world has to offer.” — Henry Winkler

Wow – that pretty much sums it up! I’m definitely pushing my boundaries beyond the routine extents of my life so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing what lies outside of my own comfort zone.

And for those who say I’m “so brave” to make this move, here’s another quote that struck me this evening:

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” — Anais Nin

Looking forward to an expanding life in Panama…..

2 comments… add one
  • Debbie Pannell Jul 28, 2018 Link Reply

    Wow what a truth that is. I’m inspire by you courage to pack up and move to Panama. Maybe a little envious too!!

  • Penni Jo Aug 9, 2018 Link Reply

    I think you are the bravest person I know. Your adventurous spirit inspires me. Thanks so much for these great quotes.

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