Tonight is the first real social evening I’ve had since I arrived in Boquete two weeks ago. There was a dance party at the BCP clubhouse, and they were serving dinner (spicy Thai peanut noodles – yum!) and 2-for-1 beers at happy hour from 5:30 to 6:30.
I sat alone at a small table, and an older guy (Bill) came over and asked me if I had anyone to talk to. I said he was welcome to join me, and he did. We chatted a bit, and a friend of his (Tim) joined us shortly thereafter. Bill likes to dance, and he’s definitely on the prowl for a ladyfriend. I told him I’d keep my eyes open for him, letting him know I wasn’t interested for myself. The conversation kind of petered out after that. 🙂
But I liked his friend Tim. He and I left the dance party and went to Mike’s Global Grill, where it was much quieter. They usually have live music, but not tonight, so it was almost empty. Tim and I chatted a bit, and then Brent walked in. I had met Brent last week when he, his wife, and their friend invited me in for a beer at the apartment across the hall.
All three of them were at Mike’s, and Brent joined us for a bit. That was nice, because I had tried to reach him this week and was unable to because their internet was out for several days due to a tree falling down during a storm and taking out some power lines.
So, all in all, it was a great evening. A new friend, reconnecting with another new friend, good food, and just a fun evening. I’m not overly sociable, but this is a very social town, and tonight was a good balance to the alone time that I need in order to recharge.